session_start(); ?> if ($_GET['dil']) {$dil = $_GET['dil'];$_SESSION['dil']=$dil;} else {$dil='tr';$_SESSION['dil']=$dil;} if ($_GET || $_POST) { $id = toGet($_GET['id'], $_POST['id']); $uid = toGet($_GET['uid'], $_POST['uid']); $urid = toGet($_GET['urid'], $_POST['urid']); $urid_ara = toGet($_GET['urid_ara'], $_POST['urid_ara']); $sid = toGet($_GET['sid'], $_POST['sid']); } if ($_SESSION['IsLogged']!=1) { header('Location: giris.php'); } $sql = "select * from t_ayarlar where dil='".$dil."'"; $_veri_ayar=DataRowID($sql); $sql = "select * from t_iletisim where dil='".$dil."' ORDER by s_no ASC limit 1"; $veri_il=DataRowID($sql); $sql = "select * from t_kategori_sayfa where dil='".$dil."' and ust_id=0 order by s_no ASC "; $_veri_kt=DataRow($sql); $sql = "select * from t_sayfalar where dil='".$dil."' and ust_id='".$id."' ORDER by s_no ASC limit 1"; $veri_sl=DataRowID($sql); $sql = "select * from t_urun_kat where dil='".$dil."' and id='".$uid."' "; $veri_urk=DataRowID($sql); $sql = "select * from t_urun where dil='".$dil."' and id='".$urid."' "; $veri_urun=DataRowID($sql); if (!empty ($urid_ara)) { $sql = "select * from t_urun where dil='".$dil."' and kodu='".$urid_ara."' "; $veri_urun=DataRowID($sql); } else { $sqlr = "select * from t_resim where kategori='urun' AND ortak = ".$veri_urun->ortak." order by s_no ASC "; $veri_r=DataRow($sqlr); } ?>